In Greece it is a tradition to celebrate carnival. In Greek it is called “apiokries” and is much loved by everyone, big and small. The last 3 weeks before the lent “sarakosti” as it is called in Greece. The last weekends have many carnival arrangements all over the country. In Crete many towns have big celebrations and Rethimno is the biggest on the island and one of the biggest in Greece.

Last Sunday the town was full of people with or without costumes. We took a day trip from the neighboring town Chania to have a look and feel of carnival! Many families, schoolchildren, adults and students walked around.


This is such a good initiative for the town with all the visitors and the help it is for the economy and the spirit of the community in the winter! So many in the community is involved, and they work towards it for months.You sign up to the carnival parade as a group, have a theme and everyone wears the same with some kind of a vehicle in front.


Fun for the whole familiy, town and the whole aera.The politicians are often popular themes, and this year of course we saw Trump!! In Rethimno they had made some kind of an exhibition around town with old “statues” from earlier years. You can see some of them here:


I enjoyed walking around and just looking at all the costumes and happy people!! I put on my rasta hat, and joined the climate!!

This is a wonderful chance for the town to have so many visitors from all over Greece and Crete in the winter! The hotels are fully booked always and the carnival brings life and 3 days party to Crete.


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